Bruce Johnson

Original Watercolor


Rafe’s Chasm, Gloucester

Sketch of the Motif #1

Ticino, Italy

Eastern Point Light House, Gloucester, MA

Morning on the Motif #1, Rockport, MA

Motif #1, Rockport, MA

Cape Cod Harbor

Cold Mountain

Winter Falls, PA

Cold Stone, PA

Sunrise, Gloucester, MA

The Shrimp Fleet, Hilton Head

Bubba’s Boat, MA

Taverina, Greece

OIA, Greece

Chatauqua, PA

Candy Striped Lighthouse, Hopetown, Bahamas

Rafe’s Chasm

Lobster Co-Op, Vinalhaven ME

Tide Out

Burnham Boat Yard, Essex, MA

The Chinese Ambulance, China

Street Market, Germany